College Launches New High School Dual Enrollment Pilot Program with Special Tuition Discounts
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Contact:Â Â Michelle Tooker, Public Relations
(Delaware and Chester Counties, PA)— High school students looking to kick start their college degree are invited to attend an information session detailing 51³ÉÈ˵¼º½â€™s new High School Dual Enrollment Pilot Program. This program provides eligible high school students in Delaware and Chester Counties with the opportunity to earn up to 21 college credits at a significantly discounted tuition rate. Two information sessions are scheduled: one on May 20 at the College’s Marple Campus (STEM Center, Room 1407, 901 S. Media Line Road, Media) and one on May 21 at the Downingtown Campus (Cafeteria, 100 Bond Drive, Downingtown). Both sessions start at 6 p.m.
As the cost of higher education continues to increase, placing a tremendous burden on students and their families, the High School Dual Enrollment Pilot Program will help students save money while working toward a college degree. Beginning in fall 2013, eligible high school juniors and seniors will have the opportunity to enroll in courses at the College at a rate far below the regular tuition and fees. Sponsoring school district residents will pay only $40 per credit and non-sponsoring residents will pay $80 per credit—that’s a savings of over 60 percent off of regular tuition rates. Eligible juniors will be able to enroll in up to 9 credits and seniors in up to 12 credits at this special pricing model.Â
Cost savings is not the only benefit of the program. Studies have shown that students who take advantage of dual enrollment opportunities while in high school tend to be more successful once they fully matriculate into a post-secondary experience. Participation in the program will also help students enhance their college applications and stand out from their peers.
For students whose ultimate goal is a four-year degree or higher, participants may transfer the credits they earn to the four-year school of their choice. The College’s special transfer agreements with area universities provide guaranteed admission and possible scholarships to those who complete an associate degree at the College first. The College offers more than 60 associate degree programs and provides transfer assistance to all students.
Any interested student who will be a junior or senior this fall is encouraged to apply. Eligibility is determined based on a student’s potential for success, which includes demonstrated academic ability and motivation. Accepted students will be able to take courses at any of the College’s convenient locations in Delaware and Chester Counties (except for The Chester County Hospital) and may take any courses for which they meet the prerequisites.
To RSVP for one of the information sessions or for more information, contact Karen Kurzenski at 610-359-5141 or email For information about the College, visit .
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